How do I update styles in my document from a template?

I am using LibreOffice 4 Writer. I have a saved template document with custom paragraph and character styles. I have another document containing the same named paragraph and character styles, which I want to update so that they have the same appearance as styles in my template. I’ve used the ‘templates’ add-in LibreOffice 3, but it doesn’t work in LO4. What should I do?

Open the document you want to update

Go into the styles window (F11)

On the top very right there is a roll down menu >>> load styles

Then choose either from your newer template or from the file containing the newer styles

Make sure you select all elements you want to update and select overwriter

ThIs what I would do.

See also: LO 4.0 broke the 6th most popular Writer Extension

@davidg: “I’ve used the ‘templates’ add-in LibreOffice 3, but it doesn’t work in LO4. What should I do?”

If you refer to the extension Template Changer 1.2.6:

You may install Template Changer 1.2.7b – a more detailed description in my second answer “Update 2013-06-14”.