Libreoffice writer 4.1 slow on windows 8

Hello all,

I have recently upgraded to libreoffice writer 4.1 for windows 8. I have a 31 page odt document with lots of math equation and graphics. It seems very slow to save the file, it often shows (Not responding) in the title for a while. Any suggestions to optimise this?

You upgraded to LibreOffice 4.1 from where? What was you previous office suite and version? Did you have a performance problem on previous version?

Try with the options in:
Reduce the Undo steps until about 30
Graphics cache up to the maximum 256,
the rest depends on the usual size and number of your graphics objects.

I have a couple of big document files of some 250 pages.
I have had the same problem for maybe a month and seem to have found a solution.
Go to Indexing Options via Search in Windows 8. I Turned off indexing of all files for windows search - i am anyway using Copernic for searching my files.

my windows 7 environment moved so slow and became so riddled with problems that i switched to ubuntu. libreoffice operates much faster but has some bugs that i have not experienced while using LO in windows.