How do I get rid of the red spelling error lines in my documents?

Sometimes Writer thinks I don’t know how to spell and puts little red sguiggly underlines under my words. I need to make my finished documents NOT do this. I also need to save in Word or MS Office compatible format and NOT have these little red underlines appear. Adding the words to my dictionary will not keep them from appearing when opened on someone else’s computer. How do I disable the spelling error underlines from appearing per document?

OP: @Luxx .

There are two issues in your question.

I also need to save in Word or MS Office compatible format and NOT have these little red underlines appear.

Tools > Options… > LibreOffice > Language Settings > Writing Aids > in the Options list uncheck all entries.

Adding the words to my dictionary will not keep them from appearing when opened on someone else’s computer. How do I disable the spelling error underlines from appearing per document?

You have control over your computer. You do not have control over the computer of another. The other computer user will need to make a similar change to their software settings to prevent automatic spell-checking and related features from scanning the document. Alternatively you can use the File > Export to PDF… facility and send them a PDF to read (but not edit).

I was thinking in Word or MS Office , selecting to hide spelling and grammar errors would keep that setting for the document and maybe LibreOffice would have a similar setting. Perhaps slightly different menu options in Linux, Tools > Options > LibreOffice > Language Settings > Writing Aids > In the third menu box, only “Check Special Regions” and Hyphenate Special Regions were checked.

can you just turn off the auto spellcheck feature?

@Luxx, thanks for pointing out the missing Options… step. Mistake on my part. I have edited my answer.

Ahh… unchecking everything in Available Language Modules seemed to get rid of the unsightly red underlines, at least when I look at it on my computer. I guess I will have to resort to pdf formats whenever possible when sending out a resume or other documents to a business, and it allows me more liberty with the Linux fonts in formatting. Unfortunately, sometimes MS formats are required for important docs.

Open your (final) document

Menu Tools → Language → For all Text → None (Do not check spelling)


Menu Edit → Select All (Ctrl+A)

Menu Tools → Language → For Selection → None (Do not check spelling)

Save …

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This is the only real answer here.

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