There seem to be difference between document (DOCX) generated using command-line (–convert-to docx:“MS Word 2007 XML”) and through GUI (actually opening the document in LibreOffice and doing a “Save As” => Microsoft Word 2007/2010 XML(.docx) ) if the input document is DOCX format created using Microsoft Office.
The Table of Contents (TOC) is getting lost if the conversion is using command-line whereas it is preserved if done through GUI. If we compare document.xml after extracting the documents converted through these two formats, a large portion corresponding to Table of Contents is missing.
Expectation is that same ooxml import/export filter code path should be executed resulting in identical files.
Could anyone shed a light why the files could be different? Is it that code to handle Table of Contents is separate than rest of ooxml import/export?
Roopesh Kohad
PS: I am testing compatibility of OOXML files which are saved in LibreOffice against MS Office. Hence this type of use case