Inserting page numbers in a document using Libre write 3.5

Libre 3.3 contained an item under “insert” in the task that enabled one to insert consecutive page numbers in either the header or the footer of a document.

I have not been able to find this item at the same location in Libre 3.5. Is there a similar item in 3.5 and if so where is it. If not how do you insert consecutive page numbers in a document?

First go to InsertHeader or Footer and check Default to enable one you want to use. Then InsertFieldsPage Number to add pagination to it.

That’s still the same way:

(1) Place the cursor in the header or footer

(2) Menu Insert > Fields > Page number

More detailed info → Getting Started with LibreOffice [14 Feb 2012]

Chapter 4: Getting Started with Writer: Numbering pages [p. 24 f.]

Thanks! It’s very useful!

OP: @DetroiterD