Autofill Base

Excuses my ignorance please. The question I have, has been answered in various ways, but I have yet to grasp the concept.

I have 2 Tables, each Table has a single field with 2 entries.
Table 1= “Customers”
Filed name= “FirstName” and has 2 entries “Test1” “Test2”

Table 2= “Categories”
Filed name= “CategoryName” and it has 2 entries “autoTest1” “autoTest2”

The form has a List Box for “FirstName” and a simple text box for “CategoryName”

When I select a name from the drop list I want the “CategoryName” to auto fill the appropriate data corresponding to the list box selection.

For example: If I select “Test2” from list box I want the “CategoryName” box to auto-fill with the appropriate response “autoTest2”

Can I summarise your question like this: “How can I auto-fill a text field based on the value of a dropdown list in a Base form?”

Yes you may.
And thanks for doing so. Its hard to ask question when your not sure how to ask.

Great. Could you edit your main question to make it more clear to others what to expect?

Problem has been resovled.

Could you tell how by adding an answer? It might be useful for others to know.