Frequent disconnects from remote database

I am using Base to connect to a remote MySQL database.

When I set up the original connection I specified “Connect to an existing database” of type “MySQL”

On the next screen I chose “Connect using JDBC”
On the next screen I specified MySQL driver class “com.mysql.jdbc.Driver”
(I tested the class and it loads successfully, although I did notice another time that I was able to connect successfully even when the class did not load successfully.)

Whenever I am working with this database it will disconnect if I fail to communicate with the database for a couple of minutes (or so).

As long as I keep performing DB operations I stay connected. If I pause I lose the connection.

At that point I know of no way to reconnect except by exiting from Base and restarting it. IS THERE A WAY TO RECONNECT WITHIN BASE?

Since this is a JDBC connection, is there some Java parameter I need to set?

I notice that when I go to Tools > Options > LibreOffice > Java > Parameters there is a place to add a parameter. SHOULD I ADD SOME PARAMETER HERE?

I notice that when I go to Tools > Options > LibreOffice Base > Connections, the driver com.mysql.jdbc.Driver is NOT listed among the drivers known to LibreOffice. Should it be? Are any of the drivers listed relevant to me then? Am I really using one of the listed drivers and not com.mysql.jdbc.Driver.

Any answers–or clarification of something I seem confused about–would be appreciated.

I have tried this under Ubuntu 11.04, and also Windows 7.

Thanks very much.

Apparently what is needed is to add “?autoReconnect=true” (without the quotes) immediately after the name of the database (no intervening space).

I did this and no more disconnects.