Hashtags and more spam on page

for regular libre office writer, odt saved files. Hello, no one has had access at all to my computer but me. When I pull up some of my saved pages to read there is
hash tag symbols and @ and much more all over the pages, and all the print is gone. Is it some kind of setting error I have to adjust to see the regular font print on a saved page again? Please let me know why this is happening thank you very much for your help.

It is not clear whether “some of my saved pages” is a reference to pages on this site (i.e., browser bookmark) or downloaded and saved HTML files that are being opened in Writer. Please edit your question to clarify this and indicate your operating system and browser / LO version. Thanks.

I have a similar problem: my 25-page .odt file turned into a string of hashtags several hundreds of pages long. The file is apparently so corrupt I can’t even access it as a .zip.

@swormsi, this is possibly indicative of the file format or character encoding being mis-interpreted by LO. Without a link to an example or screenshot it is difficult to determine exactly what is occuring.