Make table using a query

Hi there,

I may be missing something, but I have a question regarding how to make a table with a query. I have been using ACCESS for years, and just started using Libreoffice.

I have a master file, which I would like to link to a detail file. I want to create a query that will build a third file with the query results. Can someone send me on the right path. Thank you.



To set the link between master and detail table use menu Tools > Relationship.

I’m not sure, what you want to achieve with the query. When you have created the query, you can display it and it will look like a table. Or you can generate a view, based on the query (see its context menu), or you can generate a form with a table control.

Do you already know the “LibreOffice Base Handbook”, also available in German (that’s the original) ?