Libre office calc-Version: of Ubuntu14.04-how can i sort my data according to font color?

For my ta. wiktionary project, I have data in column A&B. All the data in Column A is blue colored font. For A1, B is having different font-colored data. One cell is in blue font(B1). Another cell is red(B2). B3, B4,…normal colored font. How can sort according to font color? For example, i want A as it is. But in B data, blue colored B, to be in c, red colored B to be in D and the rest in E.
Please guide me to manage 10,000 rows. Thanks in advance.

Since I don’t know about a function to return cell color, you should do it in two steps. First write a function to return cell color of referenced cell, which would work like: =COLOR(A1) and return color values. An example and guide is here:

From here you probably can manage :slight_smile:

Excuse me! I do care only cell’s data color not Cell’s background color. see the example Google doc

I did notice that little specific nuance. Here you are:

Sorry! for English communication. I am not able to understand. Please, see my changes in the Google doc. Each colored data should be in separate column only. Guide me to separate according to color.