Trying to open calc file .ods, get access denied error

After PC problem, reloaded OS (Windows 7) and all software. Now Libre Office will not open some of my files. How can I correct this?

How exactly do you try to reopen these files? Which version of LibO did you use to last save these files? Which version of LibO do you use now?

Finally, I changed the icon to start LibreOffice to ‘Run as administrator’ and everything works. I wonder if perhaps putting in a slightly different name for the PC when reloading the OS could affect this. Does anyone know what LibreOffice is checking in order to get such a message? Message was something about user does not have permission to open the LibreOffice file. No such problem was present before the system had to be reloaded.

It isn’t advised to run LibreOffice or any other program as administrator if it isn’t needed for typical operation. Rather, the files you are trying to edit should have their permissions changed so that you can edit them as a normal user. I will improve my answer for additional steps on how to correct this.

“Access denied” sounds like a file permissions error. This can be verified by opening with a different program, e.g. notepad: the same “access denied” error will result, though if it were to open, the first line would contain something like:


It’s not a matter of the computer’s new name, it has to do with the files belonging to a “foreign” user account which prevents Windows from letting LibreOffice or any other program from opening them, the same way files from one user on a PC are hidden/unopenable by other users on the same PC unless additional permission is granted. Running as administrator indeed overrides this, but running LibreOffice or any other program that typically doesn’t need it can introduce other issues.

To fix the file permissions, I would try the following:

  1. Find the top-level folder of your
  2. Right-click the folder, choose
  3. Go to the Security tab, click Edit
  4. If the name of the user you’re using is not listed, click Add, type the user’s name, click Check Names, and click OK
  5. Make sure “Full Control” is selected for your user, and click OK. This permission gives access to all of the files and subfolders contained.

(There may be a prompt for User Account Control, but I am not able to verify at what point in the process.)

Here’s a video that shows the same steps:

Steps based on

This fixed the problem. Thanks for the help.