How to link from one sheet to another sheet in LibreOffice Calc

For example, in sheet 1 there is a hyperlink and that link will be redirected to sheet 2. How would I do that?

Thanks in advance.


  1. The tag “excel” isn’t applicable here. Its “Calc”.

  2. It occurs to me that this might be a duplicate - but I didn’t find it. Therefore an (new?) answer.

The question is not completely clear for me (my bad English, maybe).

To “link” (in the sense of referring to) a cell value (number or text) just refer it (=$Sheet2.K$11 e.g.).

To set the selection to a range of the other sheet and bring it to the foreground best insert a NAME for the range to be selected. A sheet itself may also be target without selecting a range.

Two ways now:

  1. Enter into a cell the anchor text, open the hyperlink dialogue, choose ‘Document’, choose the document you are in from the drop-down list, choose the ‘Target’ (range name or sheet name) from the helper outline, ‘Apply’.

  2. Enter into a cell the expression =HYPERLINK(“file:///AbsolutePathName.ods#RangeNameOrSheetName”;“AnchorText”). The anchor will not be emphasised in an extra style in this case.

An additional advice (avoiding possible problems at unexpected places): Never use sheet names containing spaces or starting with a digit.