I am not able to rename the sheets in Calc

I am trying to change the te sheet names but the dialogue box that pops up when I right click only has the options:

Protect sheet
Sheet events
Select all sheets

Any ideas??

Check the Title Bar (where the file name is at the top of your window) doesn’t say “read-only”.

If it does, there is an “Edit File” button that you may be able to select to allow editing the file.

If the file is opened through an email program, it may be opened as read-only as well. Save the file to be able to edit it.

Your file system may have made the file read-only – you will have to switch off the read-only attribute through windows explorer by right clicking the file and turning off the Read-Only attribute under properties.

image description

You need to unprotect your sheet before you can change the name. Once it is unprotected you will see “Rename” when right clicking on the sheet tab.

If this is not the solution you need to provide more details. Please have a look at ask.libreoffice.org/en/question/508/what-information-should-i-include-in-a-question-in-addition-to-os-and-libreoffice-version/?answer=34043#post-id-34043