Idioma Inglés

Alguien podría por favor ayudarme, indicándome como puedo cambiar el idioma de Libre Office, requiero que esté en Inglés, y por default, la instalación se realizó en Español, principalmente para la aplicación Libro_de_Calc ya que requiero utilizar los comandos en Inglés.
Agradezco de antemano si alguien puede ayudar.
Saludos cordiales

Is there anyone who can help me, telling me how to change the language of the application, by default the installlation was in Spanish, but I need it in English, specifically the spreadsheet calculation module, i need to use commands in English, it is very complicated for me to use in Spanish.
Thanks a lot for your help!
Kind regards

If the language is installed you can do it this way:

Tools > Options > Language Settings > User Interface

If English is not installed you need to re-install LibO according to your OS and make sure that all languages you need are installed. LibO is great in this aspect; I have 3 languages installed.

In addition: Installing a new version over an existing one on the system you may not be offered selecting languages usable for the UI. In this case you will have to uninstall the software and thus fake a ‘first install’.

@Lupp - Your are right for the automated installation but - at least for XP - I can always select a customized installation and make changes also for the languages to install.

Note that you can perfectly use LibreOffice in Spanish but with English-language formulas.

In Calc, go to Herramientas > Opciones > LibreOffice Calc > Fórmula (Tools > Options > LibreOffice Calc > Formula) and enable the option Usar nombres de funciones en inglés (Use English function names).