Can't open .odb file

I have a .odb file that I created using Libre Office Database. I opened the file yesterday. Today, when I try to open the file, I get a request for a filter selection. Please advise

Where did you save the file? In a pen?. Also remember that Base it’s a embedded database, only when you do the save, the data is written to disk.

There seem to be some bugs that still cause this to happen. I just had the same thing happen with a database I have been using for quite some time. I thought it might have been related to a fragmented file after a number of adds/deletes, etc. so after a significant amount of use I would execute the sql command -shutdown compact-. That seemed to make things a little more stable and reliable until I encountered the same problem after just one simple record deletion. There just doesn’t seem to be a way to ensure data safety. This is a very bad problem when you expect to have a reliable way to store information.

I am using version and am reluctant to try 3.6 since there have been some Base stability reports for that version as well.

Sorry, but I cannot offer any solutions. I would like to file a bug report but cannot get any kind of a handle of how or when this problem pops up. I have resorted to making frequent file backups and hoping for the best.

Hi @jdk10s, @JohnD,

The LibreOffice devs take data loss seriously. If you guys are experiencing problems with our own native file formats, that will probably motivate them even more to tackle this problem.

If you do find a set of reproducible steps for this bug – or even if you have a good inkling of what’s causing it (e.g. @JohnD’s notes), please file a bug about this problem, and the QA team will try to help you track down this issue. There are a number of things we could do to isolate what’s going wrong, including taking a look at a version of a file that’s working, and a version of a file that’s corrupt.