HTME extension for HTML writer files

In preference: Load/Save>Text document today one can select:: Always save as: [HTML Document (Write)]
Later, when the created file in de filemanager is selected it obviously opens in the browser. (the default for .html)

I would like to have the option [HTME Document (Write)] (HTML in editing) added to the listbox. That should save the file internally in HTML format but with the .htme file extension.

Than for .htme LibreOffice can be set as default editor. And when opened from the filemanager, it will be opened with LibreOffice. The final document than can be “saved as” .html.

What about →Rightclick→open with.... ??

That is what i do all the time …
But I am not a text-writer. I know a number of them. And I noticed there is a market for these kind of people having a html writing tool. They most of the time don’t really know what they are doing. They want to write and get html text in a wysiwyg manner. In fact LibreOffice is maybe the best tool for that except for two things;

  1. Right klik for opening the files can be made better by separating work and presentation document by means of my suggested extension change
  2. Make [Enter] act as [Shift]+[Enter] and [Shift]+[Enter] as [Enter] (Since the concept of

    new paragraph is most of the time not understood and most writers mean ‘new line’ when pressing [Enter])

When LibroOffice is acting as I suggest, it could become the ideal tool for text-writer co-operating with web designers. What could boost the use of LOffice with only two ferry small changes.