Not a question but a correction of a spelling error

In your answer to "How do I convert straight quotes to typographic quotes?: you stated,

“FINALLY, use Format > Autocorrect > Apply to cause autocorrect to go through and apply it’s autocorrect settings to the selected text.”

In case you care about spelling, read on.

Its or It’s?

You’ve made a common spelling error
But don’t feel bad one bit—
Here’s some verse to help you remember
The next time you put an ‘s’ after “it”.

Apostrophize “IT?” by DAVID PRESSMAN

The possessive shouldn’t have one;
Its apostrophe is dark.
But the contraction really needs it:
It’s lost without its mark.

For “its” (the possessive) is like its cousins:
“Theirs” and “yours” and “ours” and “hers”
They use no apostrophe whatsoever—
Every spelling book concurs.

But “it’s” (the contraction) stands for “it is”.
A stroke replaces that removed “i”
So always use that apostrophe—
Or the contraction you’ll falsify.


When is it “its”?
When it’s not “it is”.
When is it “it’s”?
When it is “it is”.