Inserire e collegare aree di 'foglio di calcolo' in un doc

Not receiving any kind of response I try to restate the question in English.
I have some doc created with Microsoft Word in which i have incorporated and connected portions of Excel sheets. The procedure in Word is: from Excel select and copy the area in the Excel sheet; from Word Paste Special - Paste Shortcut - Object worksheet; after that, every time you open the doc file you are asked " …contains one or more links to other files. Update the document with data from linked files? ". Also from the menu Edit - Connections - Open source … you can change one/more connections. In LOWriter these doc open regularly and you can see the linked data, but I was not given the ability to update them; even trying to recreate ex-novo a connection I have tried the different choices from paste special, but the results are unsatisfactory:

  • calc8, metafileGDI, bitmap: the appearance of the resulting insertion is similar to that of MSWord, but from the Edit menu the Links selection … is inhibited.
  • DDE: the appearance of the insertion is very different from the usual and from Edit - Connections … I can’t nor to obtain automatic updates or to modify the link itself (for example: a different selection of cells).

Is it possible to have explanations and detailed instructions? Thanks.

Ho alcuni doc creati con Microsoft Word in cui ho incorporato e collegato porzioni di fogli Excel.
La procedura in Word è: da Excel selezionare e copiare l’area nel foglio Excel; da Word Incolla speciale-Incolla collegamento-Oggetto foglio di lavoro; dopo di che, ogni volta che si apre il file doc viene chiesto “…contiene uno o più collegamenti ad altri file. Aggiornare il documento con i dati dai file collegati?”. Inoltre dal menu Modifica-Collegamenti-Apri origine … è possibile modificare uno/più collegamenti.
In LOWriter questi doc si aprono regolarmente e si vedono i dati collegati, ma non mi è data la possibilità di aggiornarli; anche cercando di ricreare ex-novo un collegamento ho provato le diverse scelte da Incolla speciale ma i risultati sono insoddisfacenti:

  • calc8, metafileGDI, bitmap: l’aspetto dell’inserimento risultante è analogo a quello di MSWord, ma dal menu Modifica la selezione Collegamenti… è inibita.
  • DDE: l’aspetto dell’inserimento è molto diverso dal consueto e da Modifica-Collegamenti… non riesco né ad ottenere aggiornamenti automatici né a modificare il collegamento stesso (ad esempio: una diversa selezione di celle).

È possibile avere spiegazioni e istruzioni + dettagliate?

From LO help NO help, unfortunately.
Nevertheless, trying and trying again, I’ve found the solution!

Link to for samples; I used a XLS sheet but all is ok with an ODS too.
Warning: in OneDrive LO W-C xlssample seems .XLSX but if you download renaming .XLS is OK.
Here how to do:
From Calc: select cell or cells-area → Copy
in Writer: point to where to apply, Copy-paste → link DDE.
After pasting you can adjust boards and characters of the linked data.
From Edit → Links you can display all linked objects and manage them; if “automatic update” is checked (I think as default) every update to Calc sheet is reflected into the Writer document, elsewhere you can click on “Update” to do that.
Reopening the Writer file you’ll be asked if you wish updating YES|NOT: every change applied to the Calc sheet shall be or not reflected into the Writer document.

The only thing I am not able to do is the aligning of linked data with my test: e.g., in my sample I’d like to align the date getting “This is my document dated 2015-05-15”. (why ???)

And why don’t put a similar illustratiion in LO help?

Post scriptum
Errata corrige, I apologize: I’ve updated the samples (link to ) also substituting the xls file with an ods.

Warning 1: in the ODT, about the comment, I wrote “← double-click to display comments”: it is not always so.
If you create a new comment from LO Writer you can display it only by View->Comments.
In my sample (it is an ODT migrated from a WinWord DOC) that is true, but I don’t know why (may be some developer could explain …???).

Warning 2: opening the ODT doc you are asked if you wish updating YES|NOT. Replying YES every change applied to the Calc sheet willl be reflected into the Writer doc … but if now you want to save the file, the “SAVE” menu option is inhibited and clicking on “X” also the file will not saved; you have to exit by “Save As”, I think this is a bug.

Warning 3: linked objects are drive dependent.
In “LO W-C odtsample.odt” objects are linked to “D:…”, so if you have only C: drive, I’ve added the modified version “LO W-C odtsample(C).odt” with links to C:…" (