How to create this [connectors with named ends]

I actually sort of like that the direction letters are on the box border. Can you elaborate on ‘letters converted to polygon shapes’? And in your [keme1] example, it sounds like you just used regular lines, not connectors, but glued them to the gluepoints? Is that correct?

How do you make the fill transparent? I’ve been using Shape/Area, then ‘None’. If I choose ‘Transparency’ instead of ‘None’, does that keep the fill but make it transparent?

ok - so in your [LeroyG] example, you still converted the letter to a polygon shape, then attached a line to it, and then use a regular connector to connect that line to the box??

Sorry that I actually don’t shared the file (now on another PC).
I followed @keme1 link to the alternate arrowhead shapes help.
I took the E letter-converted-to-polygon from keme1’s sample file, draw a rectangle next to it (below, actually as seen in the screenshot), combined both (menu Shape), and added the new arrowhead to the list. So the arrowhead shape is somegthing like “E —”.

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I made the settings in line styles. A line style can also be applied to a connector. By using styles you have an easy way to achieve a consistent look, and also to apply format changes on a large scale.

I already did this polygon conversion for the letters you see in my file. If you want a different font:

  • Type a letter in a text box.
  • Select the letter container (text box)
  • Use menu item Shape - Convert - to polygon
  • Menu item Format - Area…
  • In the Area tab, select a fill type other than None
  • In the Transparency tab set transparency to something less than 100%

White fill with 99% transparency is close to nothingness, but will still hold a glue point.

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