Meta vs common tags

What is the difference between tags called meta and those called common?

As I understand it, the common tag is intended for questions that apply to more than one LibreOffice component. A recent example is How do I increase/decrease letter size?, which may apply to Writer, Calc, Base (in forms), Impress and Draw, not just Writer alone. The relevant definition of the word is “belonging to or shared by two or more individuals or things or by all members of a group” [merriam-webster].

The meta tag is used for questions about asking questions, or about using the AskLO web site itself. This is akin to A recent example is your question at Who are the contributors.

With that in mind, this “meta vs common tags” question should be tagged with meta because it is about how to ask questions, or about the site itself. However I do not think that common is needed because it is not about an issue that applies to multiple LO components; in fact, it’s not about any of the components.

+1, i had just yesterday posted a question with both tags included… common removed now.

Thank you for the clear explanation. My inclination is to leave the common tag since the question concerns what the tag called “common” means.

You’re right; I hadn’t thought about it that way.