Export MS-Office file to PDF on Android

I am developing an android free application, in which I have a feature converting MS Office files to PDF Files without using any server support.

How can i use LibreOffice for this conversion?

LibreOffice is not quite ready to serve as a stand-alone application on Android, however I believe that much of the backend and libraries are building on Android as some very preliminary test builds have been built and run.

Here’s the commit that adds the Android module to gbuild. Take a look at the commit message, as well as the code itself.

Read this conversation from the dev list, and then take a look at these readmes:

Android code (which I believe might include the Impress remote stuff) is here:

Good luck!

My apologizes to community, but on Android we have Kingsoft office (Free) https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=cn.wps.moffice_eng&feature=nav_result#?t=W251bGwsMSwxLDMsImNuLndwcy5tb2ZmaWNlX2VuZyJd that already have ability to export all supported files (including MS-Office) to pdf format without using any server support. And there is no need in developing own applications.

Sorry i have a question ! Is LibreOffice can open free sdk to our?

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