How can I make the screen display wider than 8.5"?

In Word I made a table wider than 8.5". When I opened it with Libre Writer it displays fine. I cut out part of the table and pasted it into a blank Libre Writer document. There it will not display beyond 8.5". How can I fix that? Right now I don’t care about printing it; I just need to see the whole width of the cut out piece of the table on the screen. Thanks.

You may use the Web view mode.

Thanks. That worked. Now if I do decide to print it (in landscape mode), how would I go about it?

For this particular situation, I found one thing that worked well for viewing and fairly well for printing: Click on “Format,” then “page,” then check “landscape.” But I really need to slightly adjust the dimensions of the table for a perfect print job; apparently there are some compatibility problems for tables created in Word.

I couldn’t replicate the problem (sorry) but one thing that has helped me with other issue was to create a template from a blank Word doc and use that in Writer. Mayhap that would help here?