Has the (Calc) Hyperlink been changed recently?

I use the Hyperlink function re4gularly. I am currently “fighting” one where my instnce is *=Hyperlink(<link file path & file name>,) and it gives me NO “reaction.” ???

It’s hard to see that is happening with all thous quotes, can you post reall example which shows bad results? For me works: =HYPERLINK(“link-to-a-file”; “alt-text”)

OK, as nearly as I can tell, the “issue” is that I had the TEXT in the target cells ROTATED 90°. Changing that to a ROTATED 0° made my problem go away. Why should a HYPERLINK fail merely because the text fits better when ROTATED?

You didn’t mentioned in original question that you have rotated text, this is known bug: #41328. What you should do is make account (with disposable e-mail as it might be publicly visible) and make a comment about which version of LibreOffice are you using. Commenting might attract developers’ attention.

Commenting like “Me too”? No. Adding yourself to CC list? maybe - it collaterally shows relative number of affected users. Also, constructive comments (telling something absent in previous comments) are welcome.

In the case of cited bug, simply telling that latest version is affected is constructive (because it has automated request for confirmation in latest versions). But generally, telling “I have that in version X”, when X > oldest, and no fix was pushed, is useless and generates spam.