Do not recognize my dear old LibreOffice

I have got a new computer and have download different versions of LO.
But everything is changed and I don’t like it.
The cursur must point down below to hit the icon …
Is it possible to get it like I had it before without all icons and so on.
Where are the toolbars. It is 2 regret buttons and double of more than that.
I don’t understand this.

I think my previous version was LO 4, much better.
Now I have download OpenOffice and it is much better.
Hoping it can be better. Help…

Ask a better question. From your message, nothing is clear. Your screenshot shows a regular LO interface. I have recently leaped from to and do not see any major changes although some new things are irritating.

It is not clear what changes you are asking about. “Everything is changed” – impossibly vague, “2 regret buttons” – no idea what this could mean. Regardless, to keep everything the same, stick with Apache OpenOffice 4.1.3, as it sounds like you have done. Problem solved!

Sorry . I did a mistake and took a screenshot of OpenOffice. Now, I have updated the file on Google Drive.
So if the first screenshot was normal, what is this screenshot then ?
This is from a download today, Norwegian , not 2 regret buttons but miss the toolbars with text.

“without all icons” … “miss the toolbars with text” – maybe this is what you are trying to ask.

To show toolbar text instead of icons, go to View → Toolbars → Customize. For the Style, choose Text.