Any Way to Export Autocorrect Entries to Mac OS?


Hi, I was wondering if anyone knows of a way to transfer my autocorrect entries from LibreOffice to Mac OS (i.e. System Preferences - Keyboard - Text).

Hello @Cdusy,

On my system Ubuntu 17.10 these autocorrection entries are located inside the folder /home/xxx/.config/libreoffice/4/user/autocorr/”.

Inside the autocorr folder there is supposed to be a file called “acor_xxxx.dat”, where “xxxx” represents your Locale.

If no such file is present inside the autocorr folder, then:

  1. go to LibreOffice menu “Tools : AutoCorrect : AutoCorrect Options …”;
  2. select the “Replace” tab;
  3. enter a new (dummy) Autocorrect entry there, and then close LibreOffice.

Now the acor_xxxx.dat file for the chosen Locale should be present inside the autocorr folder.

You can open the .dat file with an Archive Manager, there you can find your list of autocorrection entries inside the file called “DocumentList.xml”.

But i have no idea how to transfer these settings to MacOS, HTH lib


Thanks for your response.

I was able to find the file “DocumentList.xml” here: Library – Application Support – LibreOffice – 4 – User – autocorr

Within that destination there was indeed a file called "acor_en-US.dat (the locale I use) which I opened with a program called “The Unarchiver.” Within that is the DocumentList.xml file, however I’m also unsure how to transfer it to Mac OS.

Has anyone else successfully transferred their autocorrect file to work on Mac OS?

Path to autocorrection file is shown in Tools → Options → (LibreOffice) Path. That will show you where to paste file on Mac computer.