Convert Anchor hyperlinks to references automatically?

I have an HTML document with Anchor hyperlinks in it that jump to a section on the page and back to the original source again.

I take this HTML text and paste it into LibreOffice, and then when checking the navigator all the anchor-hyperlinks are listed, but they aren’t references…

I can, of course, convert these to references, one at a time, so that when I export a pdf of the document I can jump between the same spots in the document, but this process is lengthy and takes considerable time to do, the more references that I have; seeing as I’m using a computer, I’d like to automate this process if possible; are there any star-basic apis that will allow me to do this?

When I tried copying links and their anchor tags from HTML, the links still worked in Writer. Please attach an example document, or give steps to reproduce the problem including a webpage URL to copy from. For how to search and modify anchors of links, see and listing 5.54 of Andrew Pitonyak’s macro document.

Hello @leeand00,

Assuming that the Hyperlinks’ internal targets are also defined inside your pasted document (under Bookmarks), it might be easier to change the Hyperlink’s target URL and set it to the jumpmark corresponding to the internal target, instead of converting them all into References.

For example if the base URL is “” and the target URL is “”, then you could just change the target URL into “#section” to make it jump internally.

I made a quick macro that does this automatically, but currently it only works in those cases where the given base URL string is exactly the same as the part before the “#” in the target URL.

Please try if the macro works already for your pages, else i’ll adjust the macro.

Sub Writer_Internalize_Hyperlinks( strBaseURL as String )
REM After importing a webpage into Writer, it might contain Hyperlinks that are supposed to jump to another section on the page,
REM but instead they jump to that section on the internet web page itself.
REM This method sets the Target URL of such Hyperlinks to the corresponding Bookmark in Writer.
REM <strBaseURL> : full URL String of the page that contains the internal Hyperlinks, e.g. ""
	Dim oDoc as Object	:	oDoc  = ThisComponent
	Dim oText as Object	:	oText = oDoc.getText()
	Dim oParagraphs as Object	  : oParagraphs = oText.createEnumeration()
	Dim oParagraph as Object
	Dim oTextPortions as Object
	Dim oTextPortion as Object
	Dim strURL as String
	Do While oParagraphs.hasMoreElements()
		oParagraph = oParagraphs.nextElement
		If oParagraph.supportsService( "" ) Then

			oTextPortions = oParagraph.createEnumeration()
			Do While oTextPortions.hasMoreElements()
				oTextPortion = oTextPortions.nextElement()
				strURL = oTextPortion.HyperlinkURL
				If strURL <> "" Then				REM it's a Hyperlink!'
					If Left( strURL, Len( strBaseURL ) ) = strBaseURL Then	REM Only works if both URL formats are the same.
						oTextPortion.HyperlinkURL = Mid( strURL, Len( strBaseURL ) + 1 )	REM keep jumpmark.
					End If
				End If
		End If
End Sub

Here’s an updated version that gets the text inside the tables as well:

' Run THIS
Sub Writer_Internalize_Hyperlinks_new_test()
        ' Set THIS
 	call Writer_Internalize_Hyperlinks_new("your-url-and-path-with-no-anchor")
End Sub

Sub Writer_Internalize_Hyperlinks_new(strBaseURL As String)

	REM After importing a webpage into Writer, it might contain Hyperlinks that are supposed to jump to another section on the page,
	REM but instead they jump to that section on the internet web page itself.
	REM This method sets the Target URL's of such Hyperlinks to the corresponding Bookmark in Writer.
	REM <strBaseURL> : full URL String of the page that contains the internal Hyperlinks, e.g. ""

	' Plain Text
    Dim oDoc as Object  :   oDoc  = ThisComponent
    Dim oText as Object :   oText = oDoc.getText()
    Dim oTXTParagraphs as Object     : oTXTParagraphs = oText.createEnumeration()
	Call Writer_RM_host_and_URI_but_leave_anchor(strBaseURL, oTXTParagraphs)

	' Plain Text in Tables...

	Dim oSels As Object, oSel As Object
	Dim oTable As Variant, oCell As Object
	Dim tbls As Object
	tbls = ThisComponent.Texttables
    for i = 0 to tbls.Count-1:
      Rem MsgBox tbls.getByIndex(i).getName()
      oTextTable = tbls.getByIndex(i)
      ' MsgBox("tblName" & oTextTable.getName())
      set cellNames = oTextTable.getCellNames()
	  for cellNum = 0 to Ubound(cellNames):                                       
    	set cell = oTextTable.getCellByName(cellNames(cellNum))
    	MsgBox("Cell name : " & cellNames(cellNum))
    	Dim otblText as Object :   otblText = cell.getText()
    	Dim otblParagraphs as Object     : otblParagraphs = otblText.createEnumeration()

        Call Writer_RM_host_and_URI_but_leave_anchor (strBaseURL, otblParagraphs)

	  next cellNum
    next i  

End Sub

Sub Writer_RM_host_and_URI_but_leave_anchor(strBaseURL AS String, oParagraphs AS Object)

        Dim oParagraph as Object
	    Dim oTextPortions as Object
	    Dim oTextPortion as Object
	    Dim strURL as String
	    Do While oParagraphs.hasMoreElements()
	        oParagraph = oParagraphs.nextElement
	        If oParagraph.supportsService( "" ) Then
	            oTextPortions = oParagraph.createEnumeration()
	            Do While oTextPortions.hasMoreElements()
	                oTextPortion = oTextPortions.nextElement()
	                strURL = oTextPortion.HyperlinkURL
	                If strURL <> "" Then                REM it's a Hyperlink!
	                    If Left( strURL, Len( strBaseURL ) ) = strBaseURL Then  REM Only works if both URL formats are the same.
	                        oTextPortion.HyperlinkURL = mid(oTextPortion.HyperlinkURL, instr(oTextPortion.HyperlinkURL, "#"), Len(oTextPortion.HyperlinkURL))
	                        ' MsgBox oTextPortion.HyperlinkURL
	                    End If
	                End If
	        End If
End Sub