A spreadsheet column is formatted for dates but last year's date defaults

I am using Version: A spreadsheet column is formatted for dates but last year’s date defaults, ie, 2017. How can I fix this?

Absolutely incomprehensible question. “But last year’s date defaults, ie, 2017” - what does it mean? “last year’s date” - is that any date of last year (2017), or a last date of any year (Dec 31)? “Defaults” - a verb describing some behavior, but which? Does something display when should not? or does something change value when entered? or is the default unexpected to you, and you don’t understand why is it so?

So - to answer “how can you fix this”, one needs to know what is that “this” first.

A proper question looks like this: “I format a column as date (XXX format, YYY locale). I enter ABC into a cell of the column. I expect to see MMM, but actually NNN happens (here may go screenshots or - preferably - test documents uploaded to an external share). Why is that and what to do to get expected result?”

Original poster here.
Sorry for the confusion. When I enter 1/6 for January 6th, it automatically enter 1/6/2017 instead of 1/6/2018.

What does your system clock show?
What do you get if you enter the formula =TODAY() into one of the mentioned cells?

Yes, I cannot reproduce this with and on Win10

My mac system clock shows the current date. And when I enter =Today() the current date appears. I tried the column again and now it works. It hasn’t for about three months. Don’t know what to say but “Thanks for your help”

Emmm… 2018 is only 8 days old. Most part of last 3 months was in 2017, where it rightfully should have been used 2017 for missing year part.