Automatic series for weekdays

I’m searching for a way to automatically generate a series of calendar dates for specific weekdays, for example every Tuesday and Thursday of each week. This doesn’t work with the usual select short series & extend feature that will for example automatically create a series of all the consecutive calendar dates.

Can you help me?


Well: if I have a short series like this: 2018-01-14 (in A1); 2018-01-21 (in A2); then I can select these two, and extend down, and it works for me (giving Jan 28th, Feb 4th, Feb 11th, etc).

Further: if I put 2018-01-14 into A1, and =A1+7 into A2, then I can simply copy the A2 and paste into all the cells I need below.

You could extend the formula sample, like putting first weekday (for Tuesday) into A1, second (Thursday) into A2, and put =A1+7 into A3, then copy the A3 down.

Thanks, Mike!

This had been bugging me for a long time. I’m glad that there is such a straightforward and simple solution. Made my day!

All the best,

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