Are there any spreadsheets that don't come with overly complex features?

I feel like all the extra math and features don’t really get used by that many people, most importantly me, and that they really slow things down. At the only company I’ve ever been at that needed excel level features, we had to convert them to PDF to send them, because they were just so huge. I attribute part of that to the built in programming that comes with it.

Other places I worked only used to to track names of volunteers, Christmas angels, various info for projects, none of these things were mathematical. I don’t think most people are really using that.

What I’m doing now requires me to track a name and a number. That’s it. And I probably do need a total. I need two columns and a total. That’s it. I do not need an infinite spreadsheet.

Is there any way on earth to achieve that level of simplicity. I don’t even have to send the spreadsheet to anyone. I simply need to have the data in case.

It doesn’t have to be compatible. Its just for my reference. In case someone ever asks for the info. Which I would do I ctrl+F, and then email them the answer. No need to ever interact with excel. Or anyone other than me.

Have you considered using a simple text table in Writer? Create a table to your liking, portrait or landscape, move the columns as you like, etc etc. Enter the information, calculate the total yourself and enter that too, print a copy for reference, convert to PDF when needed. Might be an easy solution …

(The matter you touch has many aspects. One of the obviously relevant isues is compatibility - “none at all” or “range of”.)

It’s not simple, but it is a dedicated software ONLY for spreadsheet processing

And if you believe what they say: It’s free, fast and accurate.

Hope it helps.

Well, well, look at me answering 2 year old questions. Damn you Alex for making them popup at the top of the activity list.