How do I change color of highlighted cell?

Hi, when I search for text, the cells containing found text are highlighted in blue. I would like to change that color, is there a way to do that?


The cells found (and highlighted) are a selection (internally represented either by a CellRange or by a CellRanges object). As with any selection changes of attributes or e.g. the assignment of a named cell style will apply to the complete selection.

To hard-format the selection you can open the context menu by rightclicking on any of the selected cells and coohose Format Cells... subsequently. From the ‘Stylist’ (F11) you may assign a cell style. (To be able to search later for the format, prefer to assign a named cell style. Mostly preferrable over direct formatting.)

Addendum: This does not apply to selections across sheets. (You may get them having enabled the option All sheets in F&R.) Multisheet selection will collapse on the rightclick. Cell style assignment will only apply to the part contained in the active sheet.

I think the Q referred to the actual selection (highlight) color, which AFAIK is taken from the system / window manager settings and blended with some luminance, same as for the column/row headers (A,B,…/1,2,…)

You are right. I didn’t read thoroughly enough.