Handout print to pdf loses all images

I’m trying to print handouts from a 78-slide slideshow, six per page on A4 portrait, double sided, using LibreOffice running on Mac High Sierra 10.13.3.

The background and text of the slides appear in the PDF preview, and when opening the saved PDF, but NO images show at all. All images are visible on screen in Normal, Notes, Slides and Slide sorter views.

They are all straightforward JPG images, none very large, and the overall size of the saved .odt presentation is about 72MB.

In case it was a memory issue, I’ve tried printing only the first six slides, but that gives the same result.

What can I do to get a handout print with images, preferably to PDF, or at least to paper?


I’m having the same problem. Exporting to PDF does not solve. No images are printed, only text.

I am trying to export my presentation as notes pages only to a pdf.

“File” → “Export to PDF” (PDF dialog box appears)
PDF options:
“All” Images:
JPEG Compression,
Quality = “100%” (also tried “85%”)
Reduce image resolution [YES] = “150 DPI”
Tagged PDF [YES],
Create PDF Form [YES],
Submit format = “XML” (Also tried “PDF”),
Export notes pages [YES],
Export only notes pages [YES] (also tried Export only notes pages [off])
All other settings, default.

Environment: Ubuntu 18.04 with LibreOffice

You can see the output here: https://wiki.opensource.org/bin/download/XWiki/pmasson/LONoatedPF.png

Any advice on setting appreciated, or reference to a bug.


Similar issue here. Not all pictures are missing, but about 2/3 with no obvious reason as to what’s included and what not. Ubuntu 17.10,