Macro, highlight color, clear code for writer

I have a macro to highlight in red whatever text I have selected.
In the Edit Macros function, I did a copy / paste of this macro, and renamed it, clear_text_highlighting.

The macro highlighting in red shows this coding:
after getting access to the document,
dim args1(0) as new
args1(0).Name = “BackColor”
args1(0).Value = 16724787

What is the color code (Value) I want to use to clear the text highlighting?


Sometimes on basic functions you can get your answer, or some good clues, by Recording a macro that does what you are trying to do. I just did so, and found this. You have to have Macro Recording turned on in the Options.

sub clear_highlighting
  dim document   as object
  dim dispatcher as object

  document   = ThisComponent.CurrentController.Frame
  dispatcher = createUnoService("")

  dim args1(0) as new
  args1(0).Name = "BackColor"
  args1(0).Value = -1

  dispatcher.executeDispatch(document, ".uno:BackColor", "", 0, args1())
end sub