Crash Libreoffice


Libreoffice (I tried to use Calc) always crash when i try to open a calc document.
Windows version 1709 (Build 16229.309). When i downgraded to 5.4.6 x64… It worked fine without crash.


I tried the 6x LibreOffice variants… working… Above that( & it crash…

Probably best to submit a bug report → Bugzilla

There’s nothing to be done unless you file a bug report and attach a sample file there.

You should try to check if crash of is is related to user profile and report this to Bugzilla if it’s not related to user profile. Your user name and e-mail address might be publicly visible if you report bug there. Also, google up how to get a debugging messages upon crash and attach that to your bug report. Check if this is already reported before submitting new bug report.

Damn… too slow. :slight_smile: