Libre office 6.3 impress and draw not installed

I recently downloaded Libre Office 6.3 to find that Impress and Draw are not installed. I couldn’t find anything about thus on the net, so I would be grateful if anybody can tell me, is this only my problem and if yes, suggest how I can solve it. Or is it something temporary and I should just wait for the updates?

Thanks in advance for any hint on what is going on and what I can do.

There is no LibreOffice 6.3.
Please state the correct version.
Also state your operating system.
What makes you think they were not installed?

There is a 6.0.3. I just installed it (didn’t know it was out) and I have both Impress and Draw installed with it. (Win10)

I suggest you download it again and first try to install over it. If that does not work, then uninstall and try again.