Counting occurrences on different sheet

I apologise in advance as the likelihood is this has probably been answered a lot of times but I can’t find specifically the answer to my question and I’m a little dense when it comes to figuring things like this out based on other peoples queries, so here goes.
Basically, I have a formula that will count the amount of units sold per month on a seperate sheet but I can’t figure how to show the amounts of units per item. For example, I sell soap and have around 20 different types of soaps to sell, let’s call them SOAP A, SOAP B, SOAP C and so on. I have the following formula to pull the data from my main sheet:

=SUMPRODUCT(NOT(ISBLANK(Soap.D11:D857)), MONTH(Soap.A11:A857)=4, Soap.D11:D857)

This says if column D has something in it, and the month is 4, then add d11:D857 but in column C in my “Soap” sheet I have the name of the soap so I’d love to have some kind of formula that would only count if column C in Soap had SOAP A for example.
Any pointers greatly received :slight_smile:

Are you talking about the condition Soap.C11:C857 = "SOAP A" ? So just add it to your formula:

=SUMPRODUCT(MONTH(Soap.A11:A857)=4,Soap.C11:C857="SOAP A",NOT(ISBLANK(Soap.D11:D857)),Soap.D11:D857)

Would not that work?

It was starting me in the face, thanks for that, I feel dumb but hey, it’s not the first time :slight_smile: