How to add Calc to an already installed LibreOffice?

Hello, I have been using LibreOffice for years now but only now want to use Calc Spreadsheet, how can I add it to my installation?

I have found an old post which says to re-run the setup and then to choose the Modify option. Then I get a panel which allows me to add dictionaries or interface languages and such (Here I have everything selected to install except other languages and ‘ActiveX Control’), the next panel allows me to select checkboxes for opening Microsoft Word, Viso, etc documents with LibreOffice and Excel spreadsheets is inactive as I don’t have Calc.

I can’t see where I can add the Calc programme to Libre Office. Should I uninstall and re-install? I have run repair and modify (with present settings) already. I’m on Windows 10 64-bit, with LibreOffice

Thank you for your time.

image description

Try to execute scalc from the command line. What happens?

In Run, I typed “scalc” and also “–scalc” to a popup reading “Windows cannot find ‘scalc’. Make sure you’ve typed the name correctly, then try again.”

OK, then do uninstall and install as advised.

You must have a really long update history, the ability to deselect components having been removed in 2013 in version 4.2. Well - yes, uninstall, and then install again.

Haha, yes I’ve had it for a while now…
Thank you for the info, I was afraid that would be the case.