I donated $10 CAD 2 days ago. Please confirm that it is received. Thank you.

Donation: $10 CAD

Date donated: Feb 2 or Feb 3 Canada date
Email at point of donation on your site: [REDACTED]

Please confirm if received properly as I wish to do so time to time.
Thank you.

This is not a donation confirmation site. Furthermore, as this is a public questions and answers site, anyone can read the email address you posted. Maybe it’s also some kind of spam, or a trickstery to generate spam emails to someone you don’t like, who knows.

I’ll redact the email address from the question, and later (not now so you can see this comment) delete the question.

In the meanwhile, I want to thank you for any contribution to LibreOffice. You should know that you wrote not to someone responsible (or having access to) the project funds, but to a community Q&A site, where you can’t get an answer to your question.

Thanks Mike. Yes, I should thanked for the donation of course.