how do I set the print area in liber writer and calc

im new to this software and use to office how do I set the print area in both the spreadsheet and word type document in libre?

REVISED - In Calc, highlight the cells you want to print, click on Print, be sure to select the option Selected Cells (default is Selected Sheets) in the dialog box. Then OK.

In Writer, highlight the lines you want to print, click on Print, be sure to select the Selection option in the dialog box, then OK.

Works the same in both versions v5 and v6.

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Libre Office Text is excellent but I’m really missing Lotus123 :frowning:

I understand (although it is Writer not Text). And I miss DOS, and Borland Turbo C, and Pascal.

In Calc,

Select your Print area, then

Format > Print Range > Define

This response was exactly what I needed! I was struggling with figuring this out. Thank you Lou!