Two levels of multilevel list/numbering on same line?

I can get…

A.  Text
    1. Text
    2. Text 
          i. Text
    4. Text
B. Text

…where it has no text it just has i. and ii. as sub-points on 3.

What I am hoping to accomplish…

A.  Text
    1. Text
    2. Text 
    3.    i. Text
    4. Text
B. Text 

… where 3. and i. on the same line.

Refering to some discussion at

, Microsoft Office Word have “Enter formating for number” and some other options that can be use as workaround.

Any help on this matter?

It’s not possible, but there are a couple of workarounds. You have some here, and also the following one:

  1. Create a character style that have, on the Font Effects tab, the “hidden” check-box enabled
  2. Create the list with the empty line 3 as you know how to do
  3. In that line 3, Insert → Field → More Fields → Cross-Reference tab and insert a couple of fields (number and “reference”) to cross reference the line i.
  4. Select the real line i. completely (triple click on the text is enough) and apply the new character style to it

That last step will hide the real line and only the cross-references to it will be shown. Of course you’ll need to work a bit the paragraph and numbering alignment on the paragraph with the references. Consider defining a dedicated paragraph style for the lists with tab stops in the right positions.