How to change in Calc, text ( such as '95.6 [quotemark-number]) to numbers (95.6)

I have a multiple of Spreadsheet Sheets, as a GraphPack, from the Grattan Institute in Australia.
But all the values are things like '92, '3.53 when you look at each cell. The file is a LongName.XLS.
It looks ok, as the table are meant for DISPLAY, not addition and substraction,

But I want to make a graph of the number, but Libre Calc doesn’t read the as numbers and
makes a blank graph as there are no “Numbers”

How does one convert Text to Number?
I would like to do a search and replace ALL (’) with blank or Null,
Or can a do a mass style change from '95.6 '72 to 95.6 72 with some function that i cannot find now.

And the only “book” I can find on Calc is for version 4.1. Surely there is a new manual.

I think the key is Text to columns.
Usually, when i have cells with numbers formatted as text I firt format them as numbers and then the apostrophe (’) appears before each number. Then I go to Data > Text to columns.

Try this:
1-Select cells
2-On Menu: Data>Text to columns> Accept.
If that does not work,
4-Select cells.
5 On Menu: Format> Numbers > Accept
6 Try again step 2.

No option of Data > Text in my Calc Version (x64)

Wow, really?. Sorry I am using 6.0.1 and “Text to columns” is there on the Data menu. I wonder where would it be placed now on