LibreOffice does NOT create backups

  • I am using LO on Ubuntu 18.04.
  • My “Path” is set correctly.
  • “Always create a backup copy” is set in “Load/Save>General”
  • NO LO Apps create a .bak file.
  • Recovery of crashed docs works fine, always has done, but I never get a backup.
  • Any suggestions, or is this another Ubuntu thing - do I need to uninstall/purge LO and download from the internet instead of using an Ubuntu Repository version?




The backup copy is done in the folder indicated in ToolsOptionsLibreOfficePathsBackups.
is that where you checked?

In addition, the copy is only created for a modified document. Se this FAQ


Thank you, Pierre-Yves,

Problem solved: I have had tunnel vision the past few days trying to get an .odb to save a .bak. The FAQ you pointed me at clearly says odb is not supported for backup. Ran some tests with other files, and all looks OK.


Keep in mind that this ‘backup’ is not a real backup for several reasons. If your .odb is important enough, explicit backup to external data store should be done and I’d always recommend to save more than one revision of a file. E.g. xxx_01.odb, xxx_02.odb aso. Same suggestion for .odt and .ods. Otherwise when a silent problem occurs with your file you would also have the same problem with the ‘backup’ file direct past next save. Copy of an odb file of course only when file is closed.