How to display numbers only if it's positive in Calc

Hello. all

I want to numbers only if it’s positive in Calc.
But I couldn’t find any postion or cell format.
In Excel, I used 0_); as cell format, however this doesn’t work in calc.

How can I do this in Calc?

Answer : The format for numbers consists of "positive;null;negative, so for me, General;;
from this

you might be able to use conditional formatting:

  • Select the area in which you have your numbers

  • click format / conditional formatting / condition

  • set condition to “less than” and “0”

-click on Applied Style which appears as “Default” and select “new style”

  • select in the style window a font color which matches your back ground color (I used white and call the new style (WhiteFont)

  • click OK and all numbers <0 will not be seen.

I recommend to read also in help file and help wiki.