Bagaimana cara membuat kartu kendali di libreoffice calc menggunakan libreoffice basic - How do I create a control card in libreoffice calc using basic libreoffice?

Bagaimana cara membuat kartu kendali di libreoffice calc menggunakan libreoffice basic,
filenya yang ini Laporan Stock-edit2.ods
dan saya juga melampirkan contoh file excelnya: Filter Data dgn Beberapa Kriteria.xls
Atas bantuannya saya ucapkan terima kasih.


English translation courtesy of Elgoog:

How to create a control card in libreoffice calc using basic libreoffice, this file is C: \ fakepath \ Stock-edit2.ods report and I also attach an example excel file: C: \ fakepath \ Filter Data with Multiple Criteria.xls For my help, I say thanks.

Please note that this is an English language site.

And what is a “control card”? A thorough description is needed because very few among us can read indonesion. Anyway, even reading does not explain what is at stake.


The files who the OP linked, has Macros!

A control card is a form that is used for recording stock transactions

Halo @antan2, saya dapat membantu Anda, terhubung, lihat caranya di sini:

Hello @antan2, I can help you, get in touch, see how here:

Ola @antan2, posso ajuda-lo, entre em contato direto, veja como aqui:

I found the answer at Calc macro to refresh an advanced filter, or formula to workaround? and [Solved] Recorded macro, Advanced Filtering - fails to copy (View topic) • Apache OpenOffice Community Forum

I found the answer again at Populate sheet by filtering another sheet
and I have edited the document untitled 33-14756233879675324.ods
apparently it can be without basic LibO