Exporting ("save as", etc) writer odt documents in Ms-Word or rtf (and even odt) without the hidden styles text

Is there any way to export (“save as”, etc.) from writer (LO 5.x or 6.x) an odt document in MS-WORD or RFT format excluding the hidden styles text (paragraphs, characters). I tried to do it in LO 5.x and 6.x but the exported files ALWAYS contain the hidden styles I wanted to exclude (even if they are hidden).

Moreover, is there any way of removing the the hidden styles text (paragraphs, characters) within the odt document?


What is “hidden styles”? Styles that include some attribute making the text with the style applied hidden? or styles hidden in the Styles panel (F11)? Or some styles that you see in the resulting file, even when there’s seemingly no text using it? Or…?

Thank you. I meant “Styles that include some attribute making the text with the style applied hidden?”, ie after defining some styles I set their text visibility to “hidden”

Provided you formatted your text with styles, without direct formatting of any kind, you can selectively erase part of your document with Edit>Finf & Replace. Expand Other options and check Paragraph Styles. Then in the Find menu select the to-be-suppressed paragraph style. Press Find All and Close the dialog.

All so-styled paragraphs are now selected. Press Del and paragraph contents are erased.

This is an imperfect solution because you end up with empty paragraphs.

In case you have not too many hidden-styled paragraphs, you can Find Next, quit the dialog and press twice Del and iterate.

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I’ll try. Thank you very much