Auto-capitalization of contractions does not work

The beginning of a sentence starts with a capitalized word except when the word is a contraction. Are there any fixes in the works for this?


may be you are affected by #tdf100778. If I understand the bug report right, then you should be able to get the auto-capitalization right if you untick Replace in Tools -> AutoCorrect -> AutoCorrect Options -> Tab: Localized Options -> Category: Single Quotes (But this has another side effect related to the appearance of the quotes)

Thanks so much. That did the trick.

Hello - please be aware of my comment (But this has another side effect related to the appearance of the quotes). This may be an issue in projects/documents, where design is a critical success factor.

Anyway :

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I’ll pay attention to any unforeseen consequences. I can always go back and change the setting if I need to.