Spreadsheet - doing simple calculations the results are always 2 hash tags

1st 6
2nd 7
Avg =(H11+H12)/2

the result = hash tags

sample file

The column may not be wide enough to display the contents.

That was my first thought but widening the column doesn’t show results

is there a reason to use this formula, and not the built in average function in calc?
if you can post the actual spreadsheet this would help greatly.

I use also mixed algebraic calculations , but without result
link text

A screen shot is useless - attach to your question a sample spreadsheet file that shows the problem.

link text

Well… looking at your spreadsheet, I see no hashes:

The formula in H13 is H11*H12/5, so the result of 1.6 is correct

The formula in H17 is H15+H16, so, again, the result of 10 is also correct.


When you open the link you see the results but it shows another picture when you click ‘open with Libre Office’

Instead of giving a link to a file on Google Drive, I think you need to upload it directly to AskLO as a .ods file.

I uploaded the file as attachment to my question

Sorry. Not sure what I do wrong, but my browser (Firefox) does not display it.

I uploaded the file with your system , any other way to send it ?

What is your version? Do you have automatic calculations enabled?

I see no hash symbols in the submitted file opened with AndrOpenOffice 4.1.7.

By the way, try to zoom in.

Version , how do you enable automatic calculation ?


@eisrawai : What function do you intend to use by “Avg”? The formulas in H13 and H17 are both specified as “Avg” but do not share the same syntax or mathematical form. In reply to the question by @AdmFubar, you say you are using mixed algebraic calculations, but I wonder whether Avg=(H11+H12)/2 would work in any circumstance. Even if it did, the calculation (H11+H12)/2 does not appear anywhere in your spreadsheet. Instead we see H11*H12/5, as pointed out by @BigRAI. I am confused so perhaps I have missed something.

Have you just ticked View -> Show Formula

Thanks, @anon73440385. Still, the expression (H11+H12)/2 does not appear anywhere, even though the OP quotes it specifically in his brief explanation of his question. And the fundamental question raised by @BigRAl has not been answered.