How to access ConditionalFormat StyleName and DateType property?

The spreadsheet Sheet1 has a conditional ‘date is’ ‘this month’ style ‘good’ with range $G$1:$H$1048576. Unexpectedly the script logs StyleName as ‘good’ and the DateType as ‘good’. Note that MRI recognized the type as long but prints a string when inspected. Am I doing something wrong?


2019.09.03-17:54:05 : ::ConditionalFormat: range=$Sheet1.$G$1:$H$1048576 id=1 type=4 style=Good date=Good


(Name)            (Value Type)             (Value)      (Info.)   (Attr.)    (Handle) 
DateType          long                     Good                                0 
ImplementationId  []byte                   -SEQUENCE-   Pseud     Read_Only       
PropertySetInfo   .beans.XPropertySetInfo  -INTERFACE-  Pseud     Read_Only       
StyleName         string                   Good                                0 
Type              long                     4            Pseud     Read_Only       
Types             []type                   -Sequence-   Pseud     Read_Only 


sheet = sheet_by_name( 'Sheet1' )                           # XSpreadsheets
formats = sheet.getPropertyValue( 'ConditionalFormats' )    # XConditionalFormats
for format in formats.getConditionalFormats( ):             # XConditionalFormat
    cellrange = format.Range                                # XSheetCellRanges
    identifier = format.ID                                  # long = 1
    propertySet = format.getByIndex( 0 )                    # XPropertySet   
    conditionType = propertySet.getType( )                  # ConditionEntryType = 4 (DATE)
    styleName = propertySet.getPropertyValue( 'StyleName' ) # XPropertySet = (String) Good
    dateType = propertySet.getPropertyValue( 'DateType' )   # XPropertySet = (String) Good???
                                                            # expected DateType = (long)7 THISMONTH
    log_write( '::ConditionalFormat: range={} id={} type={} style={} date={}'.format( cellrange.AbsoluteName, identifier, conditionType, styleName, dateType ) )

LibreOffice, Version: (x64), OS: Windows 10.0

Changed to direct access of the StyleName and DateType properties by de-referencing the propertySet. First run crashed hard with an application exit. Second run gave same incorrect results as shown. Wonder if this is some sort of .idl language binding problem?

2019.09.04-10:49:08 : ::ConditionalFormat: range=$Sheet1.$G$1:$H$1048576 id=1 type=4 style=Good date=Good

styleName = propertySet.StyleName,
dateType = propertySet.DateType

NOTE: The GUI works fine.