BASIC + Calc : Import a csv file to an existing Sheet

This is the csv file :

Foreign Exchange Rates as of   8 October 2019
Weighted-average Interbank Exchange Rate = 30.457 Baht/US Dollar  
1. Average Counter Rates Quoted by Commercial Banks   (Baht / 1 Unit of Foreign Currency)  
Country|Currency|Average Buying Rates Sight Bill|Average Buying Rates Transfer|Average Selling Rates
UNITED STATES|USD|30.2012|30.2926|30.6505
UNITED KINGDOM|GBP|36.8800|37.0288|37.8966
EURO ZONE|EUR|32.9382|33.0509|33.7740
JAPAN (100 Yen)|JPY|27.8869|27.9956|28.7627
HONG KONG|HKD|3.8278|3.8453|3.9254
BRUNEI DARUSSALAM|BND|21.6083|21.7347|22.4104
INDONESIA (1000 Rupiah)|IDR|1.9917|2.0556|2.2800
NEW ZEALAND|NZD|18.8161|18.8956|19.4940
 Released on 8 October 2019


Sub LoadCSVFile
    Dim CSVFileName As String : CSVFileName = "file:///home/User01/Downloads/ER_CSV1_2019-10-08.csv"
    If Len(CSVFileName) > 0 Then
        Dim FPrp(1) As new
        FPrp(0).Name = "FilterName"
        FPrp(0).Value = "Text - txt - csv (StarCalc)"
        FPrp(1).Name = "FilterOptions"
        FPrp(1).Value = "44,34,76,1,,0,false,true,true,false"
        Dim oDoc As Object : oDoc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL(CSVFileName, "_blank", 0, fileProps())        
    End If
End Sub
  1. The code imports a csv file to a brand new .ods file. Can you please tell me how to edit the code to import it to an existing sheet with a specific sheet name ?
  2. Can you please tell me how to import beginning from the 5th line of the csv file with delimiter ‘|’ ?

Is there a reason you need a macro to do this? Because you can achieve this using Sheet | Insert from File; then you can choose the file, set the separator and choose how many initial lines to ignore, among other possibilities.


Thank you so much for your concern.

That code is only a part of the project.

I couldn’t find any sample codes that match my need.

Can you please tell me how to import beginning from the 5th line of the csv file with delimiter ‘|’ ?

FPrp(1).Value = "124,34,76,5,,0,false,true,true,false"

should do, where 124 is the ASCII value of | and 5 the first line to import.
See Filter Options - Apache OpenOffice Wiki

Note that if your locale’s decimal separator is not . dot then you want to specify an import locale (language identifier) 1033 for en-US, instead of 0 (system).


Thank you so much for your assistance.

Regarding my question #1, the code imported to a brand new .ods file.

I need the code to import to an existing active Sheet.

Or should I read .csv file line by line, split it and place into each cell ?


I have used reading .csv file line by line, split it and place into each cell.

It’s ok.

Test with

Sub import_csv()
Dim opt(1) As New

	path = ConvertToURL("/home/mau/test.csv")
    opt(0).Name = "FilterName"
    opt(0).Value = "Text - txt - csv (StarCalc)"
    opt(1).Name = "FilterOptions"
    opt(1).Value = "124,34,76,1,,0,false,false,true,false,false"
    doc = ThisComponent
    cell = doc.Sheets.getByName("Data").getCellRangeByName("A1")
	target = next_cell(cell)
	csv = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL(path, "_blank", 0, opt())
	sheet = csv.Sheets.getByIndex(0)
	cell = sheet.getCellRangeByName("A1")
	cursor = sheet.createCursorByRange(cell)
	ra = cursor.RangeAddress

	data = sheet.getCellRangeByPosition(ra.StartColumn, ra.StartRow+4, ra.EndColumn, ra.EndRow).DataArray
	copy_to(target, data)

End Sub

Function copy_to(cell, data)
    ra = cell.RangeAddress
    s = cell.SpreadSheet
    cols = ra.EndColumn + UBound(data(0))
    rows = ra.EndRow + Ubound(data)
    range = s.getCellRangeByPosition(ra.StartColumn, ra.StartRow, cols, rows)
    range.DataArray = data
End Function

Function next_cell(cell)
    cursor = cell.SpreadSheet.createCursorByRange(cell)
    row = cursor.RangeAddress.EndRow
    next_cell = cell.SpreadSheet.getCellByPosition(0, row + 1)
End Function

The same code, but using my extension EasyMacro.

Sub import_csv_easymacro()
	app = createUnoSErvice("net.elmau.zaz.EasyMacro")
	path = "/home/mau/test.csv"
	args = Array( _
		Array("FilterName", "Text - txt - csv (StarCalc)"), _
		Array("FilterOptions", "124,34,76,1,,0,false,false,true,false,false") _
    doc = ThisComponent
    sheet = app.get_sheet(doc, "Data")
    cell = app.get_range(sheet, "A1")
	target = app.get_next_cell(cell)
	csv = app.open_doc(path, args)
	cell = app.get_range(csv, "A1")
	range = app.get_current_region(cell)
	data = range.DataArray
	data = app.slice(data, "[5:]")
	app.set_data(target, data, False)
End Sub

The same code, but with Python and

path = '/home/mau/test.csv'
args = {
    'FilterName': 'Text - txt - csv (StarCalc)',
    'FilterOptions': '124,34,76,1,,0,false,false,true,false,false',
doc = app.get_document()
csv = app.open_doc(path, **args)
cell = doc.sheets['Data']['A1'].next_cell
data = csv[0]['A1'][5:]

I have added, in develop version, support for import CSV directly in cell.

doc = app.get_document()
path = '/home/mau/test2.csv'
args = {'delimiter': '|'}
cell = doc['Sheet1']['A1']
cell.import_csv(path, **args)