How can I open remote files through FTP?

Dear Friends,

I am trying to open with Writer a .odt file that I have stored in my webspace.

So I have created a new FTP profile in the “Open Remote…” menu in Writer, and now I can browse my remote folder and files through the proper “Remote Files” window: this means that the FTP is setted correctly.

However, when I try to open my .odt file, nothing really happens: I mean, as soon as I double clic on the file, the “Remote Files” window disappears as if the file was about to be opened, but still I see the Untitled1 default blank sheet in front of my eyes.

How should I do, in your opinion?
It’s a strange behaviour.

Thank you!!

Update: If I try to save a file in the same remote location through the same FTP parameters, it works fine. So: ok saving, ko opening…

Just a hint: This looks like a problem with active/passive ftp. I don’t know which one LibreOffice is supporting so it might be a good idea to have the ftp server supporting both protocol variants (Active ftp means that data exchange is done via port negotiated between client and server, thus both need to support that and in addition firewalls need to be aware of active ftp).

Update: If I try to save a file in the same remote location through the same FTP parameters, it works fine. So: ok saving, ko opening…

Please try on a command line to perform a get operation and see whether your ftp server throws an error.

Dear Opaque, I’m not very knowledgeable: is such a get command available in LibreOffice? Otherwise, how could I get a log of the actions/errors in the FTP?

Should I make use of an utility?

Thank thank you.

You never user an ftp command line client? get is a subcommand of every ftp command line client and got nothing to do with LibreOffice itself. I’m willing to help, but first I’d need you operating system - is it Windows 10?
You could even try to use your browser - but may be any problems again will be hidden by the browser. Thus I’d prefer ftp on a command line (Windows cmd)