How I can save a calc spreadsheet without formula

Hi All, .
My Spreadsheet contains a lot of sheets and formulas linked each other. It is confusing to normal reader. How I can hide or save it (in calc format) without formulas, showing only the results (values/texts).

Thanks for your help

I do not know any option to save only values.

But it is possible in a few steps convert all formulas to values and then save the file.

  • Go to A1 in the first sheet.
  • Select all sheets. (Click the first tab, click the last tab while Shift is pressed)
  • Select all cells: Crtl+A (Menu/Edit/Select all)
  • Paste special only the text: Ctrl+Shift+V (Menu/Edit/Paste special)
  • Deselect Past all
  • Select Numbers.
  • Deselect Formulas.
  • Ok.

Only numbers and text must be there.

Save the file with other name to avoid destroy the source file.

edited 2015-08-01

Since 4.4 there is an option to convert selected cells in their values.

Menu/Tools/Cells content/Formula to values.

Between “selecting all cells” and “paste special” it is necessary to copy all the selection into clipboard, e.g. by Ctrl+C.

It helped me, thanks.

Just to say in 6.0 it is Menu/Data/Calculate/Formula to value.


It is not necessary to save the spreadsheet without formula. Just ask Calc hide formulas:

  • Display the styles window (sidebar)
  • Right click on Default then Modifiy
  • Cell Protection tab check Hide formula

  • To (dis)enable the protection (on every concerned sheet): Tools Protect Document Sheet.

We can even set a password. Please note this protection is limited and less secure than password-protection document. No password in HideFormula.ods attached.
